Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem “O Allah, bless us in this month of Ramadan. Increase us in faith, guide us to righteousness, and accept our fasting, prayers, and good deeds. Grant us the strength to draw closer to You and the wisdom to make the most of these blessed days. Ameen.” Ramadan 1446Read More →

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem Insha’Allah, Ramadan will start the night of Sunday, March 10, 2024 and the first day of fasting will be Monday, March 11, 2024. The ICK Team has worked diligently to provide many opportunities online and in person to stay connected to Allah, the masjid and each other. PleaseRead More →

Assalamualaikum Below are the Ramadan Competitions for this year. All competitions are IN-PERSON ONLY. Details below: Community Wide Quran Competition (Registration is required) ICK is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual Ramadan Quran competition. Competition will be on March 31st, 2024. Deadline is Sunday MarchRead More →

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem Insha’Allah, Ramadan will start the night of Wednesday, March 22, 2023 and the first day of fasting will be Thursday, March 23, 2023. The ICK Team has worked diligently to provide many opportunities online and in person to stay connected to Allah, the masjid and each other. PleaseRead More →

Assalamualaikum Below are the Ramadan Competitions for this year. All competitions are IN-PERSON ONLY. All registration deadlines have been extended to April 7th 2023 by 8 PM. Details below: Community Wide Quran Competition (Registration is required) ICK is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual RamadanRead More →

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem Insha’Allah, Ramadan will start the night of Wednesday, March 22, 2023 and the first day of fasting will be Thursday, March 23, 2023. Alhamdulillah, this year ICK will be open during the month of Ramadan for all 5 Prayers and Taraweeh with no social distancing restrictions. Continued use of Masks is recommended butRead More →

Assalamualaikum Below are the Ramadan Competitions for this year. All competitions are IN-PERSON ONLY. Details below: Community Wide Quran Competition (Registration is required) ICK is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual Ramadan Quran competition. Registration Deadline is Friday April 15th, 2022. Click HERE to register.Read More →

Assalamualaikum Below are the 2 Ramadan Competitions for this year. Registration is mandatory for both. JazakAllah Khairan Community Wide Quran Competition ICK is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual Ramadan Quran competition. Registration Deadline is Friday April 30th, 2021. Click HERE to register. Competition dayRead More →

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem InshAllah, Ramadan will start the night of Monday, April 12, 2021 and the first day of fasting will be Tuesday, April 13 2021. Fiqh Council Ruling Alhumdolillah, this year ICK will be open during the month of Ramadan for all 5 Prayers and Taraweeh with strictRead More →

Assalamualaikum InshAllah this Ramadan, we will incorporate and hold several interesting and fun programs for the entire community. Community Wide Quran Competition ICK and ISGKC is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual Ramadan Quran competition. Registration is required. Click HERE for details and registration. DailyRead More →

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem InshAllah, Ramadan will start the night of Thursday, April 23, 2020 and the first day of fasting will be Friday, April 24 2020 Fiqh Council Ruling As we all know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay at home orders by the local authorities, ICKRead More →

Assalamualaikum InshAllah on the night of Ramadan 27th, 1440 / May 31st, 2019 we will be hosting a community Iftar & then proceed to Isha and Khatam-ul-Quran followed by a night of ibadah, Qiyam and Sahoor. Below is a detailed program for that night and some instructions: Arrive Early andRead More →

Assalamualaikum JazakAllah khair for turning in your questions this week. Below are the answers to some of your questions by Imam AbdelHameed: Question: How much to pay for each day of missed fasting because of permanent disease? Answer: If it is a permanent disease, then its $10/day you have missedRead More →

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Assalamu Alikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Can you believe it? We’ve already finished 20 days of this blessed month! Truly the opportunity of a lifetime! What is your plan? What will you do to get closer to Allah (SWT)?   Some people have alreadyRead More →