2024-25 Enrollment for both Saturday and Sunday is now Open

Alhumdolillah, due to overwhelming demand, we are now offering options for either Saturday or Sunday. You may chose either Saturday or Sunday option to suit your needs InshaAllah.

As we are transitioning to a new system, we request to please be patient with us. Please review the enrollment instructions HERE

Registration Form


ICK Weekend Academy offers Islamic education for students ages 5-12

The school offers three subjects: Qur’an, Arabic, and Islamic Studies

Classes are held on Saturdays OR Sundays (Aug–May) from 10:00 AM – 1:45 PM

  • There is a one time application fee of $15 per child
  • By registering, you are agreeing to sign up for auto pay for the entire academic year of the program
  • $85/month for one child, each additional sibling is $45/month – Auto payment required
  • Quran school students get a 25% discount. The discount does not apply to registration fees
  • Any fees already paid to ICK are non-refundable. No concessions will be given for missed classes, trips, etc.
  • Cancellation requires a written request to academy@ickansas.org


Our overall goal with Qur’an instruction is to give students the foundation that they need to become lifelong learners of the Qur’an.

Our Qur’an instruction is:

  • Centered around understanding its themes and messages, in addition to reciting and memorizing the Qur’an
  • Connecting the beautiful verses of the Qur’an to student’s personal lives and the world around them, regardless of the student’s level
  • Level 1 & 2 Learn the essential surahs of Juz Amma
  • Levels 3 & 4 Learn a variety of longer Surahs from various parts of the Qur’an


Our overall goal with the Arabic instruction is to allow students to know how to read the Qur’an and understand vocabulary words from it. Each level builds off the level before it to provide smooth transitions for students who advance.  These skills help give students the skills to bolster their understanding of Allah (SWT)’s words even when they graduate ICK Academy

  • Level 1 begins with the Arabic letters and basic vowels
  • Levels 2 and 3 Reading and understanding words directly from the Qur’an with proficiency
  • Level 4 Exploration of words from the Qur’an grammatically and linguistically on a higher level

Islamic Studies

Our overall goal with Islamic Studies instruction is to start students with the basics and then progress to more complex topics within Islamic history and tradition. We make sure that our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to worship Allah (SWT) in the ways in which the Prophet (saw) has prescribed. Students will: 

  • Level 1 Understand Allah (SWT), the Seerah, and the stories of the Prophets
  • Level 2 & 3 Get a deeper understanding of the Seerah and Prophet’s Stories so that students can think critically about their position in a Western society depending on the student’s level
  • Level 4 Explore Islamic texts and traditions, covering topics which allow our students to build their character and thrive as American-Muslims

Break Time/Snacks

Weather permitting, the students will be allowed to go outside and play. ICK Academy will provide healthy snack options to the students, however, they are welcome to bring their own

Email academy@ickansas.org for any questions


  • How old must my child be to register for the ICK-WA?
    • Your child must be the age of 5 by September 1st 2024 to be eligible to enroll. Max age is 12 years old or 7th
  • Can my child attend both Saturday and Sunday academy?
    • No, each child can ONLY enroll in one session, either Saturday or Sunday
  • Can I switch sessions during the year?
    • No, the ICK-WA expects every child to start and finish with the session they enroll from the beginning of the academic year
  • Is the curriculum of the ICK-WA the same for both Saturday and Sunday?
    • Yes, students will cover the same material for both sessions
  • Can my child make up for missed sessions by attending the next session?
    • If your child missed classes on their original day of classes, they cannot make them up on the next day 
  • Do I have the option of switching sessions for the following academic years?
    • Yes, once enrollment for the new academic year is available, you have the option of choosing the session that fits your child’s schedule
  • My child’s schedule can fit either Saturday or Sunday. Should I enroll for both sessions?
    • No, we request that you enroll for only one session. Saturday session or Sunday session
  • Would the same teachers teach both sessions?
    • This will depend on each teacher’s availability

Weekend Academy Calendar

AUG 24Ice Cream Social
AUG 25Online Orientation
AUG 31/SEP 1Labor Day Holiday
SET 7/8First day of Class
OCT 25*Family Fun Friday
NOV 30/DEC 1Thanks Giving Holiday
DEC 21/22Winter Break
DEC 28/29Winter Break
JAN 4/5Academy Starts Again
MAR 22/23Spring Break
MAR 29/30Eid Holiday
APR 11*Family Fun Friday
MAY 3/4Year End Program
Parent’s Portal

Updated 7/31/2024