Assalamualaikum JazakAllah khair for turning in your questions this week. Below are the answers to some of your questions by Imam AbdelHameed: Question: Can ladies put lipstick during a fast? Answer: First of all to put lipstick outside the house is not allowed if you are fasting or not. To putRead More →

How many times did the Prophet (SAWS) observe Ramadan? Answer: 9 Which Sahabi did the angels wash (after his death)? Answer: Handhala bin Abe Aamer Who is the Sahabi known as the Lion of Allah? Answer: Hamza bin Abdul Mutaleb Who is the Sahabi that is the Drawn Sword ofRead More →

It is a compulsory charity that is due at the end of Ramadan. It is considered an obligation, as Allah (SWT) says “He is certainly successful the one who purifies himself. And mentions the name of his Lord, and prays”. From the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS), it was said:Read More →

Assalamualaikum JazakAllah khair for turning in your questions this week. Below are the answers to some of your questions by Imam AbdelHameed: Question: Is it ok to read the Quran (either the actual Book or on a phone app) along with the Imam during tarawih? Answer: It is better notRead More →

The Blessings of Ramadan The Quran was descended in it “The Month of Ramadan is the one that the Quran was sent down in” (Al Baqarah). The worship of the Night of Power is better than more than 83 years “The Night of Power is better than 1000 months” (AlRead More →

Assalamualaikum InshAllah this Ramdan, we will incorporate and hold several interesting and fun programs for the entire community. Community Wide Quran Competition ICK is inviting all KC Community members to join us for our annual Ramadan Quran competition. Registration is required. Click HERE to register. Prizes for this competition areRead More →

Ramadan Moon for Slider

Assalamualaikum and Ramadan Kareem InshAllah, Ramadan will start the night of Sunday May 5, 2019 and the first day of fasting will be Monday, May 6th 2019 Fiqh Council Ruling We will start our Taraweeh at 9:45 PM. Taraweeh will be led by Qari Ahmed Orz, Hafiz Murtaza Asim andRead More →